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  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营独资企业
  • 公司地址: 福建省 厦门 思明区 厦门市思明区厦禾路1036号十楼R85
  • 姓名: 沈吉昌
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证已认证 微信已绑定



  • 所属行业:仪器仪表 仪器仪表配件
  • 发布日期:2022-03-08
  • 阅读量:216
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:
  • 产品数量:99.00 件
  • 包装说明:原厂包装
  • 发货地址:福建厦门  
  • 关键词:美国PE珀金埃尔默,标准品N9304292,N9304292


    英文名称:Sb 10,000 #g/mL 20% HCL Pure 500 mL 
    货  号:N9304292
    品  牌:PerkinElmer、珀金.埃尔默、美国PE
    N9304292	Sb 10,000 #g/mL 20% HCL Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304293	Sb 10,000 #g/mL H20 HN03 Pure 125 mL	ICP
    N9304294	Sb 10,000 #g/mL H20 HN03 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304295	As 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 125 mL	ICP
    N9304296	As 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304297	Ba 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 125 mL	ICP
    N9304298	Ba 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304299	Be 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 125 mL	ICP
    N9304300	Be 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304301	B 10,000 #g/mL H20 Pure 125 mL	ICP
    N9304302	B 10,000 #g/mL H20 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304303	Cd 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 125 mL	ICP
    N9304304	Cd 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304305	Ce 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 125 mL	ICP
    N9304306	Ce 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304307	Cs 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 125 mL	ICP
    N9304308	Cs 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304309	Cr 10,000 #g/mL 2% HN03 Pure 125 mL	ICP
    N9304310	Cr 10,000 #g/mL 5% HCL Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304311	Cr 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304312	Cr 10,000 #g/mL H20 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304313	Co 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 125 mL	ICP
    N9304315	Er 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304316	Gd 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 125 mL	ICP
    N9304317	Gd 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304318	La 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 125 mL	ICP
    N9304319	La 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304320	Pb 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304321	Pb 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 125 mL	ICP
    N9304322	Li 10,000 #g/mL 5% HCL Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304323	Li 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 125 mL	ICP
    N9304324	Li 10,000 #g/mL 5% Hn03 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304325	Hg 10,000 #g/mL 10% HN03 Pure 125 mL	ICP
    N9304326	Hg 10,000 #g/mL 10% HN03 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304327	Mo 10,000 #g/mL H20 Pure 125 mL	ICP
    N9304328	Mo 10,000 #g/mL H20 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304329	Nb 10,000 #g/mL H20 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304330	NB 10,000 #g/mL H20/TR Pure 125 mL	ICP
    N9304331	RB 10,000 #g/mL 2% HN03 Pure 125 mL	ICP
    N9304332	RB 10,000 #g/mL 2% HN03 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304333	Sc 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 125 mL	ICP
    N9304334	Sc 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304335	Se 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 125 mL	ICP
    N9304336	Se 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304337	Ag 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 125 mL	ICP
    N9304338	Ag 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304340	Sr 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 125 mL	ICP
    N9304341	Sr 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304342	Ta 10,000 #g/mL H20 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304343	Ta 10,000 #g/mL H20/TR Pure 125 mL	ICP
    N9304344	Sn 10,000 #g/mL 2% HN03/2%HF Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304345	Sn 10,000 #g/mL 20% HCL Pure 125 mL	ICP
    N9304346	Sn 10,000 #g/mL 20% HCL Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304347	Ti 10,000 #g/mL 40% HCL Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304348	Ti 10,000 #g/mL H20 Pure 125 mL	ICP
    N9304349	Ti 10,000 #g/mL H20 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304350	W 10,000 #g/mL 2% HN03/5% HF Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304351	W 10,000 #g/mL H20 Pure 125 mL	ICP
    N9304352	W 10,000 #g/mL H20 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304353	U 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 125 mL	ICP
    N9304354	U 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304355	V 10,000 #g/mL 15% HCL Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304356	V 10,000 #g/mL 15% HN03 Pure 125 mL	ICP
    N9304357	V 10,000 #g/mL 15% HN03 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304358	Zr 10,000 #g/mL 10% HCL Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9304359	Zr 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 125 mL	ICP
    N9304360	Zr 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9306067	Repl. Air Filter Element for N0775325	ICP
    N9306225	Universal Data Acquisition Standards Kit	ICP
    N9307100	Visible Wavelength Calibration Std. 4oz	ICP
    N9307102	Detection Limits Calibration Std. 4oz	ICP
    N9307103	Contract Lab Program Modification Set	ICP
    N9307104	Calibration Standard Set for Method 6010	ICP
    N9307105	Internal Std. Set for Method 6010/200.7	ICP
    N9307106	Interference Solutions for Method 6010	ICP
    N9307107	Calibration Standards for Method 200.7	ICP
    N9307108	Interference Solutions for Method 200.7	ICP
    N9307109	Environmental EPA Set 2	ICP
    N9307110	Environmental EPA Set 1	ICP
    N9307111	Environmental Standard Kit ELAN non-DRC	ICP
    N9307112	Environmental Standard Kit ELAN DRC	ICP
    N9307113	STD GeoChem Custom 1 500 mL	ICP
    N9307114	STD GeoChem Custom 2 500 mL	ICP
    N9307115	STD GeoChem Custom 3 500 mL	ICP
    N9307116	STD GeoChem Custom 4 500 mL	ICP
    N9307117	Fe 10,000 #g/mL 5% HN03 Pure 500 mL	ICP
    N9307616	STD K 1000 UG/ML 2X25 ML	ICP
    N9307739	Sulfur at 3.00wt% in Heavy Min Oil 100mL	ICP
    N9307740	Viscosity Standard 4.5 cSt at 40C 500 mL	ICP
    N9307741	PerkinElmer Pure VI Standard 125 mL	ICP
    N9307805	Environmental Custom 1 125 mL	ICP
    N9307806	Environmental Custom 2 125 mL	ICP
    N9307807	Environmental Custom 3 125 mL	ICP
    N9307808	Environmental Custom 4 125 mL	ICP
    N9307809	Rocks Application Standards Kit	ICP
    公司主营:美国PE、戴安DIONEX离子色谱耗材,PE元素灯/PE石墨管/PE氘灯/PE钨灯/PE 基体改进剂/PE 样品杯/PE GCMS灯丝/PE ICP火炬/PE 氧化铝注入管/PE 雾化器大量现货!美国Perkinelmer(珀金埃尔默)耗材常备现货:元素灯、石墨管、样瓶杯、取样毛细管、进样针、雾化器、矩管、中心管、泵管、顶空瓶、隔垫、瓶盖、色谱瓶、热脱附管、干燥剂、钨灯、氘灯、铝制样品盘等。

    欢迎来到厦门碧帆仪器设备有限公司网站, 具体地址是福建省厦门思明区厦门市思明区厦禾路1036号十楼R85,联系人是沈吉昌。 主要经营美国PE、戴安岛津安捷伦耗材,PE元素灯/PE石墨管/PE氘灯/PE钨灯/PE 基体改进剂/PE 样品杯/PE GCMS灯丝/PE ICP火炬/PE 氧化铝注入管/PE 雾化器等。。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。 我们公司主要供应美国PE耗材,铂金埃尔默,岛津,安捷伦等产品,我们的产品货真价实,性能可靠,欢迎电话咨询!